NaNoWriMo: Day 25 or “The Day I Started Book 2”

Yep. That’s right! I finished the rough draft of book one last night :D. WOOHOO!!!!!

Day 24: 11297 words
Total: 54238 words

So today I’m working on book 2 for a bit. Am nearly a thousand words into it already and LOVING my heroine! Didn’t know a thing about her till now and loving her spunk!

Did a bit of reading today, too. That’s always nice :).

But now time to write a bit while watching MegaMind [again] with the kids ;).

NaNoWriMo: Day 24 or “Panera, Take 2”

I ended up at Panera again today and had a productive day overall. My 11yo was with me for a while and she wrote close to a thousand words. I wrote just over 8K so far, putting me over 50K total [the numbers below reflect the end of the day yesterday]. I’m hoping for a 10K day today still, but not sure yet. I’m almost done with the manuscript too – at least this draft of it so we’ll see… 🙂

Plus Panera has a new “Big Kid Grilled Cheese”.


So as of yesterday…

Day 23: 1392 words
Total: 42941 words

More to come tomorrow.

NaNoWriMo: Day 23 or “I Knew I Should Have Set A Reminder On My Phone”


I forgot to blog yesterday. I knew I should have set a reminder on my phone :p. Ah well. I had a good day. And I did have time to blog but such is life.

We had cinnamon rolls [that I didn’t have to make ;)] for breakfast. Turkey dinner with all the fixin’s for lunch [though we just make turkey breast since none of us eat dark meat really]. Took “real Thanksgiving food” to a friend whose hubby ended up in the ER/admitted to the hospital yesterday [he’s doing better but still there today]. Hung out with fam. Sent hubby and sis “Black Friday” shopping at 7 or so for sales that started at 8. 11yo went on her first Black Friday experience. She did great according to my sis. Then I went to bed but wasn’t asleep when sis/hubs/11yo got home so talked through the experience with them [about midnight].

I did hit Walmart today to return a couple things that were the wrong size for the kids. And found a bunch of movies etc for presents for about $2 each. One was $8 [for a fairly new release] and the rest were $4 or less.

Also discovered BluRay Player ONLY has an HDMI output so can’t hook it up downstairs as those are old TVs. Hooked it up in my room this afternoon and the 11yo was in hog heaven watching Titanic special features on the BluRay she got for her birthday [she can’t watch the unedited movie just yet… but she’s all about the documentaries and behind-the-scenes etc. And one of these days it’ll be on NBC again… :p]

So now, time to get my word count on. 😀

Day 21: 481 words
Day 22: 0 words
Total: 41236 words

NaNoWriMo: Day 21 or “Let the Baking Begin”

My sister has been over for a good portion of the day baking. Some kind of apple/cranberry pie. Candied fruit in chocolate. Biscoti of some sort. Reese’s peanut butter mini cup peanut butter cookies.

Me? Most of my stuff will come tomorrow. I’m responsible for dinner itself. Mostly.

I’m also exhausted. Again. Not sure what the deal with that is.

Day 20: 1068 words
Total: 41046

Looking like I won’t get too many more in today but should this weekend :).

NaNoWriMo: Day 20 or “The Day My Niece Got Engaged”

Well, not the actual day but the day it was announced.

So very happy for her!

But it seems like just yesterday she was this little girl:

Well, the bigger of those two little girls.

She was one of our flower girls and now she’s going to get married. How time flies…

By the way, as I write this, I’m completely ignoring how fast my own children are growing and pretending they’ll stay kids forever.

In the meantime, I’ve gotten some writing done today. Not as much as I’d hoped [but I rarely do], but some.

Day 19: 2785 words
Total: 40,000 words

One of my dear friends and critique partners – Joanna – was cheering me to 40K last night and made me promise to text her whatever the 40,000th word was since she’s an hour ahead of me and went to bed.

The funny thing?

It wasn’t even a word. It was a # at a scene break ;).

Gotta love it!

NaNoWriMo: Day 18 or “The Day-After-10K-Day Hangover”

I did it!!!!!!!!!!!

I hit 10,000 words yesterday!!!!!!!!

Barely, but that’s all that matters ;). I also quit about eleven so I probably could have gone on a bit longer but my brain was fried.

And it still is. It’s not uncommon for me the day after a big day like that to have a “small” day. Today hasn’t been nearly as small as some days [like that whoppin’ 34 earlier this week], but I should get past the NaNo minimum of 1667 a day. I’m almost there now.

Today, I am thankful for my newly formed critique group, though we haven’t done MUCH actual critiquing for each other yet. Stacey, Kristy, and Joanna are amazing women and I am so glad God has brought them alongside me, and me alongside them, for this journey.

Plus, Stacey helped me out of a sticky plot point earlier, and Joanna lets me whine to her about my characters in IM almost daily. I’d whine to Kristy more, but she’s gonna have a baby here in the next couple weeks and I figure I shouldn’t ;).

Day 17: 10019 words
Total: 35146

I’d like to hit at least two thousand today and I’m getting to the good stuff. So back to work!

NaNoWriMo: Day 17 or “10K Day?”

This is a blog post for the sole purpose of posting a blog post. Because I’m trying to do the whole “blog every day for a month” thing.

I spent most of the day at Panera, writing like the wind. I’m at my sister’s house right now to let her dogs out for a bit [she’s at my house and it’s on my way home]. But she did like a deep clean today or something because the citrus smell is making my eyes water. Wowza!

Dunno what today’s final count was but…

Day 16: 1693
Total: 25070

I’m waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past that now ;). And LOVING where it’s going :D.

NaNoWriMo: Day 16 or “Memories…”

Today I gave a test for a friend. It went fine. But I got to see some of the secretaries I never see since I started teaching out at the other campus a couple years ago. That was super nice.

Then I went to give the test.

The last time I was in this room… my water broke ;).

Seven and a half years ago, my precious Emily arrived. But yes. I was teaching and in the middle of class… my water broke. I went to get the hubs [who was teaching around the corner] and off we went to the hospital. That afternoon, my 6lb 4oz bundle of energy arrived.

I Can. Not. imagine life without her.

I love that girl!

Yesterday, was a horridly pitiful writing day.

Day 15: 34 words
Total: 23377 words

Today’s already been better. Still hoping for more. We’ll see how it goes… 😀

NaNoWriMo: Day 15 or “ONE THOUSAND TWEETS!!!!”

Yep. This post, when it posts, will be my 1000th Tweet. Interesting. But kind of sad too because in recent months [read: 6 months or more] all I’ve done on Twitter is feed my blog into it. Very sad.

But still cool that this will be Tweet 1000.

So yesterday got some words. Not enough. Today’s word count is patheticness so far. Hope to get a few in but doubt I’ll get much. Tonight my girls had their concert. Lots of fun. But busy day. Plus lots of First Impressions stuff to do.

Tomorrow I was supposed to be gone all day but that got canceled. Still giving a test for a friend, but most of the day is free. So maybe a big day. I hope.

Day 14: 401
Total: 23343

Here’s to getting halfway done tonight or tomorrow!

Tweet away :D!

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