Book Review: Lady Anne’s Quest by Susan Page Davis
Finding an imposter instead of her uncle means Anne’s quest must continue after The Lady’s Maid is wed, and Dan is determined to protect her from the swindlers now trailing her. But though he’s good at keeping her safe, he’s certain he’ll never be able to convince Anne to be his wife since her sights are set on finding her uncle and returning to England. As her quest becomes even more difficult—and dangerous—Anne finds her feelings for Dan changing. Will she soon be envisioning a new life in America?
I read The Lady’s Maid recently and, to be honest, was disappointed with the ending.
Until I realized the sequel was already out ;).
Several threads were left hanging and that really annoyed me but realizing it was but the first in a series helped significantly with that. Be aware there could well be spoilers here for book 1.
Lady Anne has been searching for her uncle who is to inherit her father’s lordship [is that the right word? I confess, how the nobility works and the right titles is way over my head but I think I’ve got it right]. She, along with several of her friends from book 1, head on what should have been a fairly short, easy trip further into Oregon to where they thought he was. But instead they’re met by imposters.
She, along with her friend Dan from book 1 – he’d proposed to her and she’d turned him down – continue their search for her uncle, but are met at every turn with people trying to slow them down. From the man with the mustache who followed Anne and Elise in book 1 to new threats and dangers from the wilderness, she learns even more just what she’s made from – much tougher stuff than she ever would have imagined living a genteel life in England a year earlier.
Dan had planned to farm with his brother but he knew he’d never live down the regret if he didn’t try to convince Lady Anne just once more than the was the guy for her. And it’s a good thing because as tough as she is these days, she simply didn’t have the knowledge needed to do what needed doing.
It’s always wonderful to see favorite characters return [especially Bailey!] and see them truly come into their own. Adding in fabulous new characters [especially Millie who I didn’t expect to like at all] simply adds to the enjoyment.
I liked the romance better in this one than the first – the first it was more… subtle maybe? Something like that. It wasn’t bad by any means but I liked this one much better.
There’s more closure at the end of this book than there was in the first and I was glad for that. I was also very glad to hear book 3 is coming out this fall – and even happier to discover I could get an early review copy of it. Guess what’s up next?
Overall Rating: 8.5 out of 10