NaNoWriMo 2011: Day 7
Things are picking up a bit! Yesterday ended with 257 and today, so far, I’m at 556. Still not stellar but not horrible. After all…
Took 4 kids to the doc’s office this morning. Two for checkups [they’re great!] and all four for flu shots. Emily [age 6.5] is FINALLY over 40lbs!!!!! And she’s hanging on to a slim weight advantage over her little brother [38lbs]. That won’t last long – she’s only about 2.5″ taller at this point.
We didn’t get home until after 11:30, the 10yo didn’t go to school [woke up pretty wheezy about 6am] and the 4yo didn’t nap. Sis came over for my birthday [tomorrow] and hubby brought home cake since he won’t be home until after the kids are in bed tomorrow night. What a guy :D. Think I’ll keep him!
So, all in all, I’m happy with 556. I got two book reviews written [one posted earlier today] and have one more to write before I’m caught up with books read. Working on 1 of 3 books sitting here that I promised to read/influence for if I like them well enough :).
And now… rather than trying to get my hero and heroine into a smoochable situation [they were in one earlier, but the timing wasn’t right story wise], I’m going to read some poli sci because I have to do that for work…