NaNoWriMo: Day 9 or “Becky Wade Cover Love”

So… birthday was nice. A pretty normal Thursday. Tonight, one kiddo was at a slumber party. Another at my sister’s house overnight. And my in-laws took the other two for a couple hours so we could go out. We hit Steak-n-Shake [where I thought of you, Margie!].

Tomorrow night we get to go out too. Two date nights in a row?! Unheard of!!!

Writing was slim pickins yesterday. My ELEVEN YEAR OLD nearly beat me ;). She had just over 1000 and I was at 1068.  Oy.

But today…

I found this:


It’s available for preorder. Yes. It’s preordered. 😉

Sadly, it won’t show up at my house until May. /sigh/

Day 8: 1068
Total: 18645

did pass 20K today and spent some time brainstorming with new[ish] friend/critique partner Stacey Zink. I spent about 20 minutes [in IM] blathering on about my plot and she fixed my issue in about half a sentence :p. THANK YOU! I’m excited about it :D.