Author Archives: Carol Moncado

Review: The Rancher’s Courtship by Laurie Kingery

The Rancher’s Courtship by Laurie Kingery

From the Back Cover:

Though Caroline Wallace can’t have a family, she can still have a purpose. Becoming Simpson Creek’s new schoolmarm helps heal the heartache of losing Pete, her fiancé, to influenza. Then Pete’s brother arrives, trailing a herd of cattle and twin six-year-old girls.

Jack Collier expected Pete and his bride to care for his daughters until he was settled in Montana. But bad weather and worse news strand Jack in Texas until spring. It’s little wonder Caroline grows fond of Abby and Amelia. But could such a refined, warmhearted woman fall for a gruff rancher…before the time comes for him to leave again?

This is the 3rd or 4th book in Ms. Kingery’s series about the Spinster’s Club. A group of women seeking husbands in the post-Civil War era put out advertisements. The responses come in and several women have already married by the time this book opens.

The heroine, Caroline Wallace, was engaged to one of the men who’d answered their ad, but an influenza epidemic had left her a near-widow. Still in mourning, she’s unprepared for her should-have-been brother-in-law to arrive, with his twin girls in tow.

Jack is caught off-guard by the news that his brother is no longer living. Struggling with what to do next, he lets the girls stay with Caroline and her family. She’s the area teacher and takes the girls to school with her daily.

The cast of characters brings their own problems to our couple. From nosy bosses [who, in the modern world, would be slapped with lawsuits so fast it would make your head spin] to former cowpokes to a troubled student who’s acting out in class is only the beginning of his problems. They’re met with and supported by many others – the sheriff, the other women in the Spinsters Club – both present and former, Caroline’s parents, and Jack’s right hand man, even the other man vying for Caroline’s affections.

Ms. Kingery weaves a wonderful tapestry and brings it all to a satisfactory conclusion!

Plus the twin girls’ names are Abigail and Amelia. Just like the geese in Aristocats which my kids watched the same day ;).

Thanks to Ms. Kingery for a reviewer copy of the book.

Overall: 8 out of 10 stars

NaNoWriMo 2011: Day 6

I’m up to 66 words for the night. Better than the last 3 days combined. Still… its like pulling teeth. Think I’m trying to force their relationship before they’re ready for it. I’m going to forge ahead for now anyway though. Was hoping to fit a smooch in right about now but they’re not feeling it, so I’m not feeling it…

Another busy week ahead. Wanna see?

  • Monday: check up for 2 kids, other 2 along for the ride [and the flu shots – plus one kid is running a slight fever tonight so may stay home anyway]
  • Tuesday: school, my birthday so a trip to Lambert’s for a late lunch likely by myself with laptop along to write for a bit if I can
  • Wednesday: dentist visit for the 6yo, last time she didn’t go to school b/c her face/mouth hurt
  • Thursday: school, MIL over, preschooler thing at school from 5-630, 10yo’s school music program thing at 715
  • Friday: sis has the day off so is going to pick up the preschooler from school which will give me about 5 hours total, then Beauty and the Beast play at sis’ school that night
  • Saturday: VeggieTale Premiere
  • Sunday: Branson with a friend to see Muse Watson [NCIS’s Mike Franks] in a show
See? Insanely busy. But hopefully I can carve out some time – house is clean so that’ll help.
And now… back to it…

NaNoWriMo 2011: Day 5

Yet another goose egg… but my house is cleaner and my office is starting to take shape :D. That’s something.

In a semi-related note… my 10yo is at almost 1900 words. She’s way past me, at least percentage wise. She’s nearly 40% done. I’m… 5%. Maybe. Not quite.

But I do still have a living room to clean… /sigh/ Best get to it. Would rather be writing. H/h are wanting to smooch sometime soon…

NaNoWriMo 2011: Day 4

Still no progress though my house is looking better ;). And my back is much better after my doc adjusted it for me. She did mention a possibility of a dreaded A word. Arthritis. I’m still a bit young but having four kids did a number on my lower back. We’ll see how long before I need to go back. I’ve been going every 6-8 mos but by the time I actually go I’m about 6-8 weeks past when I SHOULD have gone :D. Need to get better about that.

Yesterday, the high was in the low-mid 40s. Today, we played outside until dusk and long sleeves was enough for two of the kids. Not for me :D.

Going to clean a bit more then try to get some words written using a prompt from Jan’s Wake Up Your Muse [uh, if I can find my book – otherwise I’ll hit the website] because I have got to get moving on this thing. I’m not crazy about writing out of order, but may have to in order to get jump started…

Stuck at 2829 isn’t gonna cut it…

NaNoWriMo 2011: Day 3

I got a big ole goose egg so far today but if I’m gonna make it for NaBloWriMo I gotta post now ;).

Had a good day with the kiddos, busy day at work and got caught up on ALLLLLLLL of my schoolwork done for the next week [except I do need to read the last 3 chapters of the text but other than that, no papers to grade, no tests to write, nothing of that nature]. Hoping to still get a few words in tonight but we’ll see…

I think I’ll sit by the fire and watch Storm Chasers instead ;).

NaNoWriMo 2011: Day 2

It’s been one of those days.

6yo with a dentist appointment who stayed numb until too late to go to school [her nose was numb!], 4″ stack of papers to grade and so on.

I’m currently at 2601 for the month which is 952 for the day so far. Taking the smidgiest of breaks to post this so I have a post for the day that’s NaNo related :D.

Back to the grindstone… 😉

What I’ve Read Wednesday: A Bride’s Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas by Erica Vetsch

Hey! Look at that! Posting a book review on Wednesday! 😉

AND it’s Erica Vetsch’s book too! Have I mentioned I <3 Erica? She’s so way cool! And my favorite orange panda rhombus too! [Yeah, most of you won’t get that. A few of you might ;).]

Anyway… I picked up A Bride’s Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas while at the ACFW Conference. And since Erica is our guest blogger over on the Pentalk blog today, I thought I’d post a review to go with it [I also hope to post about NaNoWriMo later today but we’ll see…]


From the Back Cover:

Hoping to leave the shadows of her shady yesteryears behind, Adeline Reid is focusing on her photography career. But when her ex-boyfriend’s compatriot in crime shows up in Dodge City her entire past is threatened by exposure. Can Addie keep her secrets while helping to catch a killer? Deputy Miles Carr’s investigation into a shopkeeper’s murder leads him to Addie’s door. Will his attraction to this female photographer keep him from catching the true culprit? Or will Addie lead him off course in more ways than one?

Deputy Miles Carr has his hands full trying to keep the peace in Dodge City and find a local shopkeeper’s killer. When his inquiries lead him to the door of Addie Reid’s photography studio, he finds himself more than a little distracted. Does this beauty hold the clue to the killer’s identity? 

This is the fifth or sixth book of Erica’s I’ve read [no… wait… I read a series of 3 Heartsongs, then a 3-in-1 of Heartsongs [does that count as 1 or 3?] and then another Heartsong… so can someone else do the math?!?! ;)]. I’ve enjoyed all of them but I loved that this one was trade length rather than category*. I became more attached to the characters and felt they were somewhat better developed than in the Heartsongs books**.

There are really four main characters. Addie and her best friend, Fran. Deputies Miles and Jonas. Addie and Miles take the stage front and center and are “more main” than Fran and Jonas, but we see plenty from Fran and Jonas’ points-of-view [POV] to know what they’re seeing, thinking and feeling about any number of things – including each other.

I loved that! So often in a romance Addie and Miles would be the only POV characters*** but having Fran and Jonas in there too was like a bonus mini-romance book in there :D.

Ms. Vetsch Erica weaves in so many details about how the world worked in the days not long after the Civil War, particularly about photography in it’s infancy. [Have I mentioned recently how much I love my digital camera?!^]

Both Addie and Miles have things in their past that need to be dealt with and Erica does that well.

This one is a keeper [even if it wasn’t personally signed ;)] and rereader [even if the TBR pile continues to grow].

Plus the epilogue is swoon worthy. /big deep happy waffy sigh/

Overall: 9.5 out of 10 stars

*Category is books like Barbour’s Heartsongs Presents or Harlequin’s Love Inspired lines; typically they’re 25-30% or so shorter, sometimes more depending on the books, than trade length or ‘regular’ books.
**That isn’t meant to disparage Erica’s other books at all! I loved them and I loved the characters! I just tend not to get as invested in shorter books because I usually read them very quickly and there’s just not enough time [pages or word count] to become as invested with them as there is in the longer works!
***Yes, I’m guilty of that too! But in my defense… I write mostly in first person! Keeping track of two first people is hard enough!
^I do miss having actual prints too though :D.


NaNoWriMo 2011: Day 1


Okay – it’s not morning. But it is day 1 of National Novel Writing Month. This year I’m also attempting National Blog Writing Month which simply means new blog posts.



Yeah, we all know what trouble I’ve had with that lately :p. So my plan is to blog my way through NaNoWriMo by posting about it daily. Tips and tricks days. Tired barely managed to get word count posted days. Words of encouragement days. Flash Fiction Fridays. Plus some book reviews tossed in for good measure [these probably won’t be the actual official post of the day].

I’m REALLY hoping to review Erica Vetsch’s A Bride’s Portrait of Dodge City, KS tomorrow but, alas, I’m not done with it yet :(. Hope to be by tomorrow but it’s my reward for a. finishing my daily word count [today’s goal: 3500] and b. getting the rest of the summer clothes put into the appropriate container.

If I get those two things done, then I can read. Plus there’s a dentist visit in the morning. As much as I think I should take my laptop with me to write, I think I’ll take Erica’s book instead and finish it if I don’t manage it tonight then write tomorrow afternoon.

So far today, I’ve written 1064 words.

The 4yo was up until 11:48 last night. I hadn’t planned to do an opening night write-in but by then I figured I may as well.

That netted 509 words in about 12 minutes [more on that another time].

This afternoon at school I whipped out another 559. Took longer though ;).

Off to get the kids settled and work on that other 2436. Update coming tomorrow :D.

My Theme Song… A Year Later

Okay – it’s been more than a year since I first claimed my theme song. It’s That’s What Faith Can Do by Kutless.

I was over on Erynn Mangum’s blog last night [question of the day: What’s Your Theme Song? – and can I just say that Erynn is cute as a button? And so is her kiddo.] I couldn’t remember for sure the name of the Kutless song, so I hopped back to my blog and found the post.

Then looked at the date.

So so so much has happened since I first posted Kutless as my theme song. In fact, a year, to the day after that post, I was sitting at an ACFW conference with a request for a proposal from one agent and had lunch with the editor of a major [major!] publishing house who said she was interested in the story I’d pitched.

Last night, I sat back and thought, “Wow!” God has a sense of humor. Or timing. Or something. Because I have come so very far in the last year.

The manuscript I was pitching at conference?

Not even a glimmer of anything when I made that post.

Now? Shiny and polished and pitching to agents and editors.

I’ve made so many new friends and made so many connections and come so far in my journey as a writer and as a person since I chose a theme song [or it chose me].

Just goes to show you… That’s What Faith Can Do! 😀

Review: Dry As Rain by Gina Holmes

From the back of the book:

Behind every broken vow lies a broken heart.

When Eric and Kyra Yoshida first met, they thought their love would last forever. But like many marriages, theirs has gradually crumbled, one thoughtless comment and misunderstanding at a time, until the ultimate betrayal pushes them beyond reconciliation. Though Eric longs to reunite with Kyra, the only woman he has truly loved, he has no idea how to repair the damage that’s been done.

Then a car accident erases part of Kyra’s memory—including her separation from Eric—and a glimmer of hope rises from the wreckage. Is this a precious opportunity for the fresh start Eric has longed for? Does he even deserve the chance to find forgiveness and win back Kyra’s heart . . . or will the truth blow up in his face, shattering their last hope for happiness? A richly engaging story of betrayal and redemption, Dry as Rain illuminates with striking emotional intensity the surprising truth of what it means to forgive.

I read Gina’s freshman novel, Crossing Oceans, several months ago and was very, very impressed. I didn’t review, and can’t honestly recommend it, but that’s ONLY because of the subject matter [Mom with young daughter, Mom dying of cancer] and how it hit WAAAAAAAAY too close to home for me [Mom died of cancer when I was 10; had I realized what the plotline was, I would have steered clear – but all I saw was friends I trusted gushing about it so read it without reading the back cover – by the time I realized I probably shouldn’t have started it, Gina had sucked me completely in, which says scads about the quality of the writing].

But the writing was so good, that when Gina put out a call for influencers for her sophomore offering, Dry as Rain, I jumped over to Amazon to check it out.

The topic was quite different and something I thought I’d find interesting. A marriage in shambles, but then she [Kyra] has a car accident leaving her with partial amnesia – mainly that their marriage is little more than a farce by that point. In fact, Eric isn’t even living at home anymore.

Everyone in Kyra’s life goes along with the doctor’s orders not to tell her what she doesn’t remember but to let her remember on her own. To an extent that feels almost plot device-y to me, but I’ll give Gina the benefit of the doubt – that a doc really would say that [especially since my experience with amnesia is mostly on TV – where it’s rarely more than a plot device ;)].

So no one tells Kyra what’s going on. The whole book is written in first person from Eric’s point of view, so we never really see what Kyra is thinking or feeling about the whole matter. But in Eric’s mind, he’s getting a second chance to fix everything that was broken – if he can truly figure out what it is.

Dry As Rain is just as well written as Crossing Oceans. I was sucked in and didn’t put it down until I was finished.

I think this is classified more as Women’s Fiction [though the main character is male] rather than romance, but I still expected a happily ever after, which I got. I don’t, as a general rule, read tons of WF, but I enjoyed this one and would recommend it to friends who like more serious tones in their reading.

Overall: 8 out of 10 stars

Thanks to Gina and Tyndale for a free copy in exchange for influencing. This is my unbiased opinion.

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