Author Archives: Carol Moncado

Book Review: Bound by Guilt by C.J. Darlington Blog Tours Presents:

Bound by Guilt
by C.J. Darlington
Published by Tyndale House

Shuttled between foster homes, Roxi Gold will do anything to fit in. Soon she’s traveling the country stealing rare books from unsuspecting bookstores. Police officer Abby Dawson has seen the worst of society—and not just at work. One fateful night, both their lives are changed forever. One searches for justice, the other finds herself on the run. Will the power of forgiveness set them free?

This is my first official blog tour blog ;). How cool!

My good friend Andrea over at Andrea’s Take will be posting her review shortly – head over there to see what she thought.

I liked this book. A lot. A friend had raved to me about it and I don’t think I liked it quite as much as she did. For whatever reason, that’s making it hard to write this review.

I like Roxi. She’s got spunk. She’s led a very difficult life, one that would have shattered most of us. She longs to be loved, just like all of us, and it’s no wonder that she goes to the lengths that she does to find that love and approval. I think most humans would go to those lengths or beyond, though all of us would like to think we’d be above doing anything illegal to gain the approval of an important adult or parental figure in our lives. Can any of us truly say what we would or wouldn’t do? Same for Diego. He was raised by his mother [a cousin of Roxi’s mom], but her approval was fleeting at best.

Abby is a cop. Things aren’t going so well for her. Then her world falls completely apart. A mom who never sees her daughter. A cop who is suspended. A daughter and sister who rarely sees her family. Abby is in a difficult spot. I see her growth as a character throughout the book. Ms. Darlington didn’t give us the reconciliation with her daughter, which I’d hoped to see, but there is some hope for it. She will stop at almost nothing to find the answers she needs.

I liked Christy. I ached for her, for her loss. I have hope for her future.

Ms. Darlington has some wonderful secondary characters. Gordon the truck driver. Stan from the coffee shop. Jan, and Keith, the ranch owners [who probably shouldn’t be relegated to ‘secondary’ status]. Even Selah. All following God’s guidance to be where they needed to be, when they needed to be. Being His hands and feet in Roxi’s life.

This is a good book. I would buy it [though this copy was provided for free by the publisher – the opinion is my own]. I will likely reread it. I would buy her previous book [which wasn’t necessary for reading this one]. I will read the next one.

Overall, I give Bound by Guilt 8.5 out of 10 stars.

Great job! You kept me turning the pages.
Francine Rivers, Internationally best selling author

C.J. is a wonderful, talented writer . . . extraordinary . . .
Bodie Thoene, best-selling author of the A.D. Chronicles

This one engages your senses and reaches your heart.
Jerry B. Jenkins, NY Times best-selling author & owner of The Christian Writers Guild

Watch the book trailer:

About the Author:
C. J. Darlington won the 2008 Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild Operation First Novel contest with her first novel, Thicker Than Blood. She has been in the antiquarian bookselling business for over twelve years, scouting for stores similar to the ones described in her novels before cofounding her own online bookstore. In 2006 C. J. started the Christian entertainment Web site with her sister, Tracy, and has been actively promoting Christian fiction through book reviews and author interviews. A homeschool graduate, she makes her home in Pennsylvania with her family and their menagerie of dogs and cats. Visit her website


What I Read Wednesday: Michal and Abigail

This is a combo review of the first two books in the series “The Wives of King David” – Michal and Abigail. It feels a bit disjointed to me, but ah well. I thoroughly enjoyed both of them ;). That’s what you really need to know =D.

I loved the love story between David and Michal in the beginning. Her steadfast devotion to David for the first couple of years at least after that he fled for his life, David’s devotion to Michal even though he does take other wives. When they are reunited years later, the argument could be made that they are no longer well suited for each other. It’s obvious they did love each other very much and he was still devoted to taking care of her even after all that time had passed, even with their differences, even though she was involved at least peripherally with Saul’s grandchildren wanting to run parts of Israel.

I understood why he did what he did with regards to her nephews in appeasing the Gibeonites. I understand her feelings towards him afterwards they were her nephews; she loved them deeply. I don’t want to give away the ending but the road isn’t smooth after they are reunited, but the book does end on a hopeful note. That David was so adamant about Saul’s family returning her to him and wanting to be reunited with her speaks volumes for his feelings for her, though one could make the argument that the demand had nothing to do with her.

Initially he wishes in many ways that he and Michal could’ve been together the entire time – that she had run away with him; that they had fled together. He never would’ve married Ahinoam afterwards and possibly not Abigail. Without Abigail, he possibly would not have married the other women either or certainly it would’ve been less likely that he would have married another six women, at least, prior to Bathsheba.

The distance between them after they had been reunited saddened me. It was bittersweet because I know there’s two other books coming. I’ve discovered is that I want him to find true love with the star at each book, something that I know is a pipe dream at best.

While I thoroughly enjoyed Michal, I loved the book Abigail. I love the story of Abigail. I didn’t know Abigail story when I named my second daughter. She was named more after Abigail Adams than Abigail in the Bible.

I love her strength when she stood up to her husband; how she looked out for those around her. I love how she took care of both her husband and David and in appeasing David anger when her husband offended him. She saved not only her husband’s life, but the lives of the male servants and probably David’s throne by going to him. If he had gone through with his attack on her family on her home, it seems likely that the people of Israel would not have accepted David as king – or not as easily. In that day and time he probably would have been justified in doing so, no one would have really thought that he was out of line, but it is very good thing that he didn’t.

I loved the love story between David and Abigail. I love that he seems to prefer her to the other wives including Michal. We know this from the book Michal, from the differences in the relationships. At the same time he does have six other wives. I wish it could have been David and Abigail and that was it.

I would have been… okay with it if he’d had both Michal and Abigail because I find I root for whichever main character to be his ‘true love’ and be like ‘see ya’ to the other wives – ‘I’ll make sure you’re taken care of, but I’m spending my time – especially my nights – over here’.

While reading the first book, I wished Michal could have had his heir. Then I wished for Abigail to. I was as deeply saddened as she and David seemed to be when her son had an accident that left him deformed. I would like to think that the Israelites would accept a handicapped king if he was God’s anointed. However, we all know that listening to God was not always the Israelites strong suit. If the story could have ended at the end of Abigail I would’ve been happy.

It makes me very sad for Abigail, though she lives a life of wealth and privilege, she doesn’t have the single devotion of the man she loves whole-heartedly, though he claims the same – that he wishes it had just been the two of them and that he’d had no other wives. She is not named queen. David has not named a queen at this point. I don’t remember from my Bible studies whether she goes on to have another son or not, but her son is not going to be the heir. My inclination is to think that Bathsheba would be named queen because Solomon is the heir but it saddens me to know that Abigail’s not going to get her happily ever after, even as much as one can in a family with six other wives, seven once Bathsheba comes on the scene.

I want for the two of them to be together, no matter what. That he won’t spend time with the other wives. That he will no longer have evenings and overnights with the other women. /sigh/.

I believe that if Ms. Smith had written books from the perspective of those other wives, I would likely feel the same way for them. I don’t know what the biblical evidence is for their love stories. David and Ahinoam, for instance, don’t seem to have much of a love story. He liked her; she was a warm, willing woman while Michal had been married off to someone else. But as far as a true relationship with her in a romantic sense? It doesn’t seem that they have one in these books. I don’t know about the biblical aspect – if it’s something Ms. Smith sort of made up or if there’s biblical evidence of the relationship between David and Ahinoam. I am sure that there is not biblical evidence against it. I believe Miss Smith to be a much better researcher than that.

That I want to cry for Abigail, for what she misses out on – especially knowing that Bathsheba is coming; that for all the wonderful things David has said to her, he’s going to pursue another man’s wife. That I can feel for her like this, even though I knew the outcome at the beginning and Bathsheba’s name hasn’t been mentioned yet, speaks volumes about Ms. Smith’s abilities as a writer.

I very much look forward to Bathsheba, which will be arriving any day. I also look forward to her next series which is Wives of the Patriarchs. I am very interested in the story of Rachel. I can’t wait. Sadly, I will have to wait for it.

Michal: 9 out of 10 stars

Abigail: 9.5 out of 10 stars [but just because they don’t truly end up together – which is no fault of Ms. Smith’s ;)]

Edit: Bathsheba arrived yesterday. I read about 5 chapters while waiting for the kids at the dentist. It is tucked safely away in my purse. I can’t afford to read more now because I have a million things I need to get done before the hubby and I leave for Denver on Saturday [without the kids!]. However, I am giving tests tomorrow! I may read it then ;). If not, the car on the way to KC on Saturday it is!

Seeker Sightings, 3/4/11

Had two Seeker sightings this week. Well, one Seeker sighting and one ‘reminds me of a Seeker’ sighting that I thought was too fun not to share ;). The Seekers, of course, are the wonderful ladies of Seekerville.

Janet Dean’s new release Wanted: A Family at Walmart today!!! Dunno how it jumped into my cart… =D






Julie Lessman’s first trilogy was the Daughter’s of Boston series. When I met her in late January, she handed out Boston Baked Beans. While at Sam’s Club the other day, what did the guy in front of me have? A Sam’s sized bag of Boston Baked Beans. Of course, I had to take a picture ;). Too fun.

Look for Flash Fiction Friday to show back up this afternoon! That’s the plan! We’ll see how it goes… =D

Assassination Attempt

Over on Seekerville today, Missy Tippens talks about a Light Bulb Moment. She challenged us to:

Describe your character walking into a church for the first time. (Can be first time ever or first time in this particular church.) Remember, NO MORE THAN 100 WORDS!

So I did. And since I haven’t posted here in like a week [or more?], I thought I’d toss it up here, too. More on the whys of that later. Maybe. Goal for the week: Post Wed and Fri =D.


Doors loomed large in front of him. Inside, people moved around. Not many, but a few. More were coming. Many more. He arrived early to ensure a seat. The florescent orange walls smelled of fresh paint, redecorated for this day. A stage directly ahead held an ornate chair.

A throne.

It wouldn’t be called that, but it was. The president of Ethiopia was visiting. It could be nothing less. And there, His Excellency would take his last breath.

John Smith, a man of non-descript name, stature and visage had returned to church for one reason only.

To assassinate the president.


The president of Ethopia, His Excellency Girma Wolde-Giorgis visited our church almost 4 years ago now. He credits our pastor as one of the influencial men in his life [I want to say Pastor led him to Christ – or re-led? – but don’t hold me to that]. Our church does/supports quite a bit of work in the country and that was the main reason he came to town, though it happened to coincide with something else I’ve forgotten. It was… quite interesting for many reasons. I wish I remembered more of it :/.

I know nothing of Ethopian politics though I’ve read he’s quite popular among the people. I do know I trust my pastor implicitly as a judge of character.

I also know of no plot, now or at any other time, to assassinate him.


Yeah, Yeah, Yeah…



Like anyone’s shocked.

I’m working on it.


I’m also working on the sequel to Unbreak Her Heart. It’s this close to being done. The rough draft anyway. Hopefully, [dear God please make it so!] this weekend. Or early next week. Today, I’m going to Panera to hopefully get tons and tons written. I have one middle/partial chapter [which is suspended in another window while I type this – Nate, Ben, the dads, Brandon, Jon and a couple of other guys are playing basketball… They’re running up and down the court. They’re fine.] to finish. One full chapter in the middle that I’ve started 18 times [okay, 3] but can’t quite find the voice for. Partially because I’m know where Jasmine needs to be by May 1 and again by June 1 but I’m not sure how she’s getting there – and while it’s not hugely important for this story, it is for Jasmine’s which is books 4-5. Once I figure that out, hopefully it’ll come to me.

Then it’s straight on to the end. I’m guessing 5-7 chapters to go.

But, man, I want to have it done!

Rather than diving straight into revisions, I’m going to work up proposals for the rest of the books in the series [have blurbs and up to one page synopses for all of them already]. Then, hopefully, work on Nick and Debbie’s story. And come up with a title for it. Or I can’t enter it in Genesis. I haven’t decided for sure that I’m going to but it would be nice to have the option…

And then Crystal Laine Miller posted this link to the Pioneer Woman on Facebook…

Yeah. That Daily thing. I’m working on it.


And one of these days I’m going to get those other two Julie Lessman reviews done. Meantime… Go with it. I recommend them. Highly. I wouldn’t drive to St. Louis to meet with just anyone you know!

[I am ONE Swagbuck from getting my next Amazon card. You’d think with all those searches for links, at least one Swagbuck would have jumped my way but…/sigh/ YAY! The search for ‘Swagbucks’ earned me  a Valentine’s swag – 14SB and a special bill – collect all 4 and get extra bonus SBs. I’ve got at least 3 now :). Five dollars for Amazon here I come!]

[11:45am] EDIT: YAY!!! That inbetween partial chapter is FINISHED!!! WOOHOO!! Now, the one inbetween full chapter that I’ve started several times… gotta figure it out…

I’ve Been Remiss…

I know this.

I can only plead to snow blindness.

Or something like that. Snow crazy?

We got about 13″ of snow in the first ever for our area blizzard warning on Tuesday. Kids – and colleges – have been out of school since then. Our community college has even canceled for tomorrow. Then it snowed for at least 12 hours today – probably another 2-3″ total, but the roads are already a nasty mess.

Wednesday, I had an extra 7yo come over to spend the night, though she ended up going home. She came back yesterday and today to hang out with Abbie. Then yesterday, I got a phone call from a friend up the street. The school snow day program wasn’t open, could her 5yo hang out with us? Of course! So 2 extra kids the last couple of days. Matt was even off work on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Today, we went outside and tried to sled and build a snow fort. Then we made S’mores inside. And the kids used poster board and stickers to make posters and scenes. I’ll try to post pictures tomorrow.

So why am I coming out of snow hiding now? Because I’m on two blogs today :).

Reflections in Hindsight has my guest blog up – A Rather Unexpected Valentine’s Day Present. It’s also the day to introduce myself as the editor-in-chief over on the Pentalk blog.

I’ve not gotten a ton of writing done this week, but I did spend a while searching for pictures of characters. I found a number of them. I don’t remember where all of them came from, but this is Jasmine – she’s Mandie and Liz’s little sister.


Another background character is Ben. He’s in Unbreak Her Heart, but also shows up in other parts of the series. I know he’s someone famous whose name I can’t remember right now, but I don’t know him… Argh! I don’t remember! Anyone? I want to say someone from the Fast and the Furious franchise but… Paul Walker, maybe?

Google! Where art thou, Google?!

Yep. Paul Walker. He’s a cutie. And perfect as Ben!


Saturday in St. Louis

This weekend rocked.

It was a good weekend – and given that we may have a zillion inches of ice and/or snow, that’s a good thing.

Saturday, Penny and I drove up to St. Louis. I dropped her with her fam about an hour away then went to the local ACFW meeting. Special guest? And really the whole reason I went all the way into STL…


Now, we all know that I adore Julie and I want to be her when I grow up, but it was really, really cool to meet her in person. She rocks. I really don’t need to say any more than that, but we all know I will.

There were four other wonderful ladies at the meeting. It was the shortest hour I think I’ve ever had – except that it was two and a half hours by the time we got out of there =D. Julie talked about a lot of stuff – getting started, getting an agent, what happens after publication, how her titles came to be. The artwork on the covers. The importance of networking.

Other good stuff…

And we took pics! [You knew that though, because you’re smart and you can see them scattered throughout this post already =D.]

After that, I went to Gus’s Pretzels. Because I was like five miles away. And you can’t go five miles from Gus’s and not stop. Met Penny in Sullivan. Hung out with her mom and grandparents for a bit [see what Grandma is reading?] then went to dinner at Du Kum Inn [found another setting for part of a book I want to right – working title On the Run].
Awesome hometown restaurant. Then Penny and I came home [and went shopping after stopping at Panera in St. Robert].

Another great thing this weekend? Matt’s going to a conference over Spring Break. Right now, it looks like there’s about a 90% chance that I’ll get to go with him! Just me. No kids. For a week. Wow. He’ll be conferencing all day of course, but the hotel has free wifi and I’ll be writing, editing or both.

Or so the plan goes ;).

Oh… Did I mention I love Julie?

Of course, with 20″ or whatever of snow coming, I have to pray the Internet doesn’t go down. But as long as it doesn’t, I WILL [yes, WILL!] finally get that next review posted.

Oh – and check out what I found while stocking up on bread and fire starters this morning – SEEKER BOOK!

Pentalk Community Blog

Yeah. I’ve been AFK. [That’s away from keyboard for my non-acronym knowing friends.]

You know it. I know it. Move on… 😉

Part of what I’ve been doing is meeting JULIE LESSMAN!!!!! You know – the gal I wanna be when I grow up! More on that tomorrow =D.

I’ve also been working on the new Pentalk Community Blog. Yours truly is the editor-in-chief! Doesn’t that make me sound all important? I’m working my way through, figuring it out…

But stop on by. There’s cake. And coffee. I won’t drink any so there’s plenty for the rest of you.

Tomorrow… an update on my goals to date and other stuff… Monday Meanderings – or whatever it’s called ;). Musings. That’s it =D.

Sleep well. I will.

Flash Fiction Friday, 1/21/11

Just me again today :). Mostly because I needed motivation to get moving on the sequel to Unbreak Her Heart. Ugh. I’ve been stumped [though I have written almost 8K on book 4 in the series… what can I say? Inspiration struck… 3500 or so is backstory type stuff that won’t ever see the light of day, but that’s all right. It’s necessary…] So I wrote the first sentence of the segment I needed to write. That became my prompt and away I went.

I’m at 25736 for NovelTrack. I may or may not make my goal of 50K. More days like yesterday [4600] would sure help. I do know I’m not going to get both rough drafts done like I wanted, but one is theoretically possible.

Without further ado…

“What time is everybody going to be here?” Nate stood on a chair and taped the last streamer into place.

“About one. I just invited family and a few friends. I hope that’s okay.” I had done most of the planning for Maddie’s first birthday party, but that was fine with me. They lived in Kansas City after all and all of the family was here. All I’d really done was invite our families over and a couple of couples from church with kids about the same age. Voila. Instant guest list. Of course, I’d ordered a cake, but was asked to get Disney princesses. So all I had to do was pick which princess cake and an adorable outfit for the birthday girl.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Except that I was nauseated constantly. I was exhausted and sick and running ragged without having even the simplest of parties to plan. I should have just told Nate and everyone else that I was pregnant. Then no one would have expected me to do so much work. But I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready for that and I wouldn’t be. My mom knew. I suspected Bev suspected, but I didn’t let on to anyone else.

“Thank you again for doing all of this. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”

“No problem. It’s what I’m here for.”

The talk remained on the mundane, never turning to the one topic we all wanted to avoid on Maddie’s first birthday. I was glad it was a Saturday. That way the party could be on the actual day rather than the day after. Tomorrow was going to be too hard to put on a happy face and pretend everything was okay.

Flash Fiction Friday, 1/14/11

Here we go :). Just me today. But that’s okay! Look for exciting news coming soon =D.

For the record… I have no clue about police procedures and if this part is even remotely accurate. That research will come later =D.

He stumbled through the door of the police station. He held one hand tightly over his shoulder. He was bleeding, but it wasn’t that bad. “I need help!”

Two officers ran over to him. “Let’s get you some help, sir.”

He shook his head. “First, I need to tell you that I have two concealed weapons on me. Second they took my wife and son. That’s more important than my arm.”

“Who has your wife and son?”

Nick leaned back in the hard plastic chair. “The mob. A guy named Tricky Tio from San Francisco.”

He could see the two officers’ eyes go wide. “Are you sure?”

He nodded as he closed his eyes. “Yeah. We’re WITSEC. I killed his son a few months ago when he kidnapped them the first time. I was a cop there.”

One officer headed towards the desk while the other grabbed a First Aid kit.

“I’m fine,” Nick protested. “You have to go get them.”

“Do you know where they are?”

Tears filled Nick’s eyes behind the closed lids. “No.”

“We’ll get help in here as quick as we can, but we both know that this is probably beyond what we’re equipped to deal with if you don’t know where they are.

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