Author Archives: Carol Moncado

Flash Fiction, Er, Tuesday

So over on Facebook, Linnette posted a prompt on the Wake Up Your Muse page. We were talking about it and Jan said she was going to use it for a prompt and it worked for me in Nick and Debbie’s story so…

We decided to do an impromptu Flash Fiction dealie. She wrote two [one about her father and another one that she hasn’t posted yet because it’d make a great query/one sheet/back of book for a novel – warning, Kleenex required] from the same prompt. I worked it into something I need for the novel. So here we go…

She pulled the curtain aside and peered into the darkness as a tear slipped out and trailed down her cheek. Nick moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

He placed a gentle kiss in the crook of her neck. “Are you okay?”

Debbie sniffled and shrugged. “If they go away. If they never, ever find us here.”

“The safe room is ready. We need to have drills.”


“Like fire drills. Can you get there at night, in the dark, when you think someone’s after you, and take Nicky with you. Can you keep him quiet if you need to? I’d like for you to be able to get him there while blindfolded.”

She peered over her shoulder at him. “Blindfolded? Seriously?”

“I am completely serious.”

“I’m sure you are.” She leaned the back of her head against his chest. “And it makes sense. If they ever get here, we could need to get safe fast. ”

“And not just mobsters. It’s a tornado shelter, too. Darrin told me bad weather can pop up out of nowhere around here. And any time of year. One of the schools not too far from here lost part of a roof in January.”

She groaned. “Year round? Not just in April and May?”

“Nope. Most of them come in the spring, but also other times of year. And a few weeks later you could get a bunch of snow, but you won’t need the safe room for that.”

“No.” She swiped at her cheeks with her fingers. “All right, show me how this safe room works.”

Seeker Sightings =D

Seeker sightings yesterday at Wal-Mart.  Was inordinately excited ;).

[Scroll down to see historical pics of my family]

Mary Connealy’s Sharpshooter in Petticoats. It’s why I went to the store =D.

But while I was there…

I came across Tina Radcliffe’s The Rancher’s Reunion so I had to pick it up too ;).

Read Sharpshooter yesterday. Wish the 9 book series [well, 3 series of 3 books each that intertwine by the end] wasn’t over :(. Maybe Mary can incorporate some of the characters into later books…

But now I have work to do before Andrea kicks my tush =D.

More Pics for Seekerville’s Historical Party

WOOHOO!!!!! I found the pics!!!! YAY!!!

Now to see if I can get them to post properly…

While the first set is pretty cool because I look sorta like her, I think the last ones are the coolest overall.  Make sure to scroll all the way down to see dozens of people, possibly in the Missouri River area of MO [nearish KC], including a kid who looks like Huck Finn ;).

Any help on eras/dates anyone?

This is the picture I’ve been wanting the most.  This lady looks enough like I did a decade or so ago that we have to be related.





Is this the same lady? The dress is the same.
And that’s my daughter several years ago.
Is the resemblance just my imagination? (I do think she looks more like the lady in the first picture though)


This is a series of pics that I think are the same family over time, but I don’t know who they are and can’t prove it… (I posted them to Facebook and it ‘grouped pictures of people who might be the same person together’ and it grouped this guy so…)






As Newlyweds?

A bit later?

After a couple of kids…






A few more kids later?





And these are the ones of my family.  The first one, obviously, is much older than the second one.  Original?  My Mark Twain prof agreed that it looked like it could be up near the MO River [this side of my family had land there at one point in this time period] and she’s the one who pointed out the Huck Finn/Tom Sawyer kid [on the right near the front…]

Edit [again]: When in doubt, find the family tree :p.
‘Grandma Tallent’ should be Dolly Reynolds Tallent, b. 1854
‘Aunt Maggie’ is Maggie Tallent b. 12/1883
‘Aunt Ida’ is Ida Mae b. 1882
‘Mom’ should be Amanda (Mandy) Ellen Tallent, b. 1891

‘Mom’ went on to have 7 daughters and 2 sons.
Vesta, Elva, Josephine, Dolly, Rosie/Rosalie, Naomi Ruth and Dot/Dorothy
Carl Eugene and Rhueben Allen

Only Dot is still with us :(. She and Jan are the ones who helped me figure out that ‘Grandma’ is the mother of the two girls, not the sister.

This is the restored version.

Pretty cool, huh?!

Quick Pic Post

Was hoping to post several pictures, but here’s one for now.  Was at Walmart and saw this:

Deeanne Gist’s Trouble with Brides in three separate spots.  Thought that was cool :).  You can also see Mary Connealy’s Sharpshooter in Petticoats there on the second shelf on the left.  I have a better picture of it and it’s one I’ll post later for Seekerville stuff – like if I can find the bucket with the pictures of my ancestors [like my GGrandma] that I can’t find and needed so I could scan a pic for Seekerville’s historical party…  🙁

Will keep looking tonight and if I find it will post them then.

Weekend Update and Looking Ahead, Week 2

Some of this week’s goals I did well on, some not so much…  Let’s take a look…

Goals for Week 1 [Jan. 2-8]:

1.     Do Bible Study at least twice – Yeah, not so much.
2.    Blog – including at least one Julie review – Blogged, but not the Julie review
3.    Lose 2 lbs – Yeah, not so much.
4.    Exercise at least 2 days – Yeah, not so much.
5.    Finish edits on Unbreak Her Heart – YAY!!!! Got this one done!!!!
6.    Email to editor who requested it – YAY!!!! Got it emailed out!
7.    Finish Bliss, read Mary Connealy’s next one – Did better on this one ;).  Finished reading Bliss and have just about finished off Mary [see her?  Over there.  She’s the one wheezing ;).]  Seriously, I have one book left and it’s her new one.  My sister hasn’t finished it yet, so I may have to swing by WalMart on my way to the doc in the morning so I can read it in the waiting room.

Things done that weren’t on the list:

1.      Hang out with a really cool 3yo – Thursday during ‘naptime’ I was Fiona, he was Shrek [dressed as Mr. Incredible] and we were riding the Polar Express on our way to the North Pole.  We had to stop to pick up Handy Manny and the tools as well as Mickey, Minnie and a handy helper to help with repairs.  But then the train ran out of wood and we had to stop at the North Pole Walmart for more…
2.      Doc appointment I’d forgotten about.  Fun.
3.      Made cookies to take to my doc/nurse and our PNP who works in the same building [and ended up having a doc appointment at the same time so I saw her there…]

Goals for Week 2 [Jan. 9-15]:

1.      Do Bible Study at least twice
2.      Blog – including those Julie reviews
3.      Work on Pentalk blog
4.      Exercise at least 2 days
5.      Doc appointment tomorrow
6.      15,000 words for NovelTrack
7.      Read at least 2 books
8.      Lose 2 lbs
9.      Get ready for next semester [first day of class is 1/18]
10.  Clean the house

There you have it.  We’ll see how this week goes…

Flash Fiction Friday – Er, Saturday…

Yesterday was crazy.  So here I am today :).  Andrea had said 3 but I was hanging out with a really cool 3 year old at the time so… 😉  I really need to post the ‘game’ we played on Thursday.

[I tried to find a picture and couldn’t.  And it’s late.  And I’m tired.  And I can’t find a picture of Christopher from his third birthday either…  Oy… Edit: Found one two minutes later…]

Without further ado…

She was standing way too close. He knew what he wanted. He wanted to kiss her and take her down the hall to his room or her room and lock the security guys out.

He wouldn’t.

He couldn’t

But he wanted to.

Instead he moved away from his fiancé – he’d never really thought that he’d be engaged – and towards his son.

“Nicky, do you want to open your last present?” Debbie moved to the side of the living room where the presents had been stacked. Most of them had already been opened, but one remained. Nick’s.

Both Rick and Rick’s dad had sent gifts, probably the only ones that Nicky would ever get from them.  Nicky ripped the paper, his face absolutely lighting up when he saw what was there.

“Woo’y! Buzz Ligh’year!” He held up the two stuffed toys before hugging them to him, one in each arm.  “My wuv dem!”

Debbie laughed and winked at Nick. Nick smiled back. Debbie had given him the best idea of all. She had given Nicky a Lightning McQueen shake and go car that he’d smiled and laughed over, but his face lit up most when he saw the two characters from three of his favorite movies.

By the time the thoughts flew through his head, Nicky was running around the living room, a cowboy in one hand and a spaceman in the other.

No What I Read Wednesday, 1/5/11

Just a quick flyby to:

A. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  Mary Connealy was here!!!!!! WOOHOO!  And as Andrea pointed out, she ‘finishes off’ people all the time…

B. It’s been a long couple of days and I don’t have A Passion Denied‘s review finished yet.

C. I have written outlines of what I have of both Unbreak Her Heart‘s sequel and the Nano one and filled in the chapter blanks [more or less], plus the rough draft of a guest blog post.  So I haven’t been completely unproductive…

Thank you for your understanding :).  Do look for Flash Fiction Friday in a couple of days.

Monday Musings: News, Notes and Nutiness – 1/3/11

Current Facebook Status: is glad Matt took today off :). Now to get some work done…
Currently Playing In the Background: Donkey Kong Wii

Yeah, I still don’t really like the ‘nutiness’ part of that title, but go with it…

And I don’t have much to post today.  Matt took today off instead of Friday which is nice.  I need to finish Word edits on my manuscript today.  Reread it tomorrow and email it off.

I also need to do laundry and assorted clean up, etc.

Today is also the first day that Andrea and I are doing our accountability partner thing.  Hopefully, that will go well :).  And since the holidays are about over, I’m hoping to chat with Jan more again.  I’ve talked to her like twice in the last several weeks :(.  I hate that.  Ready for life to calm down and get back to ‘normal’.

School starts tomorrow for the kiddos.  I’m sure getting up early will help with feeling like ‘normal’ ;).

Weekly Goals, Week 1 [Jan. 2-8]

Current Facebook Status: and so Day 2 begins like Day 1 and Day 365 did. Up with a 3yo who refuses to go back to sleep /sigh/. This time he was asleep until the smoke alarm went off from the fireplace. /more sighs/ On the upside, lunch with Chris, Laura and Sarah tomorrow! Er, today.
Currently Playing in the Background: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally [but the 3yo is now asleep so maybe it’s time to change it…]

I’m a winner!  I’m a winner!  I won a 5 page critique over at Seekerville.  I think they may be one of the top five fabulous things to happen to me last year – would be higher, but I got diamonds and sapphires for Christmas, got to see my BFF for the first time in 8 years and Christopher survived a potentially life threatening incident.  So top 5 it is.  I have emailed my first 5 pages off to the lovely ladies and I’m told I should have it back no later than next Saturday. =D

And I got to see old friends today.  I haven’t seen Chris in probably 7 years or so but have known her since I was a kid.  Her daughters are about the same age as me and my sister so we were friends when we went to church together.  She knew my mom.  After Matt met her the first time, she’ll forever be known as ‘the woman who hugged Matt at the mall’ ;).

But on to the point of today’s post:

Goals for Week 1 [Jan. 2-8]:

1.     Do Bible Study at least twice
2.    Blog – including at least one Julie review
3.    Lose 2 lbs
4.    Exercise at least 2 days
5.    Finish edits on Unbreak Her Heart
6.    Email to editor who requested it
7.    Finish Bliss, read Mary Connealy’s next one

January’s Goals

Current Facebook Status: rang in the New Year by playing Quiddler – after a rousing game of Mexican Train ;). The company made it worthwhile though =D. Now to figure out what goals she wants to reach this month…
Currently Playing in the Background: Polar Express on the TV and some sort of Buster Bunny [from Arthur] game on the computer…

January Goals

So part of this whole goal thing is to break them down into manageable chunks.  The plan is this: each month I will look at each of the goals I set for the year and set monthly goals.  Not all of the annual goals will have a corresponding monthly goal to go with it and that’s okay.

For January, my goals are the following:

1. Do my Bible study every day by the end of the year.
– Twice a week this month.  Hopefully better, but we’ll see…

2. Blog.  Three times a week.  Every week.  Or at least a note why I won’t be blogging that day.
– Start by writing those Julie Lessman reviews :p.  And Erynn Mangum…

3.    Lose 125lbs by 3/2012 [yes, I know that’s more than a year .  There’s a reason for that goal =D.  No, I’m not saying specifically why.]
a.    Lose 20lbs by 3/11
–      Will start with 8lbs this month…

4. Exercise daily – that means at least 6 days a week – also, RUN a 5K
– Will start with 2xs a week this month…

5. Develop and make habitual house cleaning/other routines
– Write out routines and zone cleaning stuff, print, create notebook to keep it all in

6. More fun stuff as a family – game night at least twice a month; Wii Fit/Resort Fun Night the other two weeks
– Would like to do this completely this month – all 4 times

7.    Finish first drafts of at least five manuscripts
a.    Liz [already at 53K]
b.    Nick/Debbie [already over 50K]
–      This is Novel Track month over at ACFW.  My goal is to finish both of those rough drafts this month as a part of that.  I think it’ll be about 50K…

8. Contests – enter them
– Get Genesis entries ready this month [Unbreak Her Heart and Nick/Debbie – gotta come up with a title for it too…]

9. Complete/finished/”final” draft of 3 manuscripts
– Well, technically, I guess it’s going to be FOUR manuscripts since I didn’t quite get UHH done this week.  Need to finish it ASAP.

10. Read 4 books a month.  For research.  Yep.  That’s it.  Plus one non-fiction or craft book.
– Oy.  Only four?!  I’d like to finish off Mary Connealy [I have 7 of hers to read] and I have 3 from another author checked out of the library. Maybe I can take them to work with me if I don’t have grading etc to do.  I also need to finish Bliss

11. Query
– It’s not really a query, but I had a request for a full manuscript of UHH and I need to send it off as soon as it’s done.  Like ASAP.  Like this week.

So there we have it… Sunday or Monday, I’ll post this week’s goals as well as an update on Novel Track [with each post].  Off to edit…

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