Author Archives: Carol Moncado

New Year’s Resolutions – or Goals… Specific and Measureable

Current Facebook Status: has a 3yo Superman currently dressed up as Ironman. He was Wolverine earlier. Gotta ♥ a box of superhero dress up clothes!
Currently Playing in the Background: Hannah Montana in the other room

Well, it is that time of year again.  Time to set resolutions for the next year.  I haven’t really set resolutions – not specific, measureable ones – in years.  Like Mary Connealy, I know myself and know that next year I’ll look back and be like ‘oh. Right.  I wanted to do that…’  How do I know Mary Connealy said that?  She mentioned it in the comments on Seekerville.  Because this is the topic of Seekerville‘s blog today as well.

But things are different now.  I have a blog!  And about six readers who will keep me accountable ;).  By the end of the year, maybe I’ll have that doubled to twelve.  Hey, you never know!

So this year, I’m making resolutions and setting clear, measureable goals.  They go together.  Many of them revolve around developing a career as an author, but not all do.  Some are goals in and of themselves, some have sub-goals.  My plan is this: to set annual goals, each month break them down into monthly goals and from there, each week.

So what are they?

1.    Do my Bible study every day by the end of the year.
–      Just jumping into it and saying ‘every day! This week!’ is unrealistic.  I’ll start with a goal of say 2 days a week and grow it from there.

2.    Blog.  Three times a week.  Every week.  Or at least a note why I won’t be blogging that day. The three weekly topics:
a.    Monday Musings: News, Notes and Nuttiness [yes, the third alliteration needs work ;)].  It’s what it sounds like – any news or random thoughts I had in the week prior as well as my goals for the current week [based on these annual goals].
b.    What I read Wednesday – just what it sounds like ;).  Book reviews =D.
c.    Flash Fiction Friday – continue with the FFF with Jan and Andrea

3.    Go to ACFW‘s conference in St. Louis this September.  Meet people.  Meet Julie Lessman.  Because we all know I ♥ Julie ;).

4.    Date night – at least every other month with my honey.



5.    Lose 125lbs by 3/2012 [yes, I know that’s more than a year ;).  There’s a reason for that goal =D.  No, I’m not saying specifically why.]
a.    Lose 20lbs by 3/11
b.    Lose 40lbs by 6/11
c.    Lose 60 lbs by 9/11 [and ACFW!]
d.    Lose 100 lbs by 12/31/11

6.    Exercise daily – that means at least 6 days a week – also, RUN a 5K

7.    Develop and make habitual house cleaning/other routines

8.    More fun stuff as a family – game night at least twice a month; Wii Fit/Resort Fun Night the other two weeks

The rest are more writing related…

9.    Finish first drafts of at least five manuscripts
a.    Liz [already at 53K]
b.    Nick/Debbie [already over 50K]
c.    Nate
d.    Two Jasmine novels [one is nearly 50K]
e.    Something completely new for NaNoWriMo

10.  Complete/finished/”final” draft of 3 manuscripts
a.    Liz
b.    Nick/Debbie
c.    Nate – or maybe one of the Jasmines

11.  Contests – enter them 😉
a.    Enter two manuscripts in Genesis – Unbreak Her Heart and Nick/Debbie [and give it a title :p]
b.    Join RWA
c.    Enter RWA contests 😉
d.    Enter at least one MS in RWA’s Golden Heart
e.    Enter Great Expectations again [entering the first time this week]
f.    Try to enter at least one contest at least every other month [those above are the biggie annual ones – at least the ones I know of]

12.  Read 4 books a month.  For research.  Yep.  That’s it.  Plus one non-fiction or craft book.

13.  Query
a.    Research agents, editors/houses who accept unsolicited manuscripts
b.    Query those agents with UHH
c.    Query those agents with Nick/Debbie

14.  Always remember Why I Do What I Do:
So there you have it.  Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen clear, measureable goals.  Note that I didn’t put ‘find an agent’ or ‘get published’.  Why not?  Because, to a degree, those things are out of my control.  I can polish and send all the manuscripts in the world to Jeff Gerke, but odds are, he’s not going to publish me.  Why?  Because I don’t write stuff he’d be interested in.  All I can do is find out which agents/editors/houses/etc. would suit me and my manuscripts and submit to them.  From there it’s out of my hands.

Note that ‘potty training Christopher’ also isn’t on there :p.  That one is also completely out of my hands…

Now, goals for today/this week:

1.     Finish getting Great Expectations entry ready
2.    Finish polishing Unbreak Her Heart and submit to the editor who requested it at HACWN
3.    Clean house, finish getting Christmas decorations put up
4.    Get ready for Narnia marathon tonight
5.    New Year’s Eve shindig at our house
6.    Laundry – done AND put up

Right now… This is calling my name…

Flash Fiction Friday, Dec. 17

Current Facebook Status: Made it through Toys R US, Gordman’s, Sam’s and Walmart, but most of the Christmas shopping was done online and will be arriving via UPS! Thank goodness!
Currently Playing in the Background: Imagination Movers because the 3yo WILL NOT go to sleep :p

So… No Book Review Wed.  Look for TWO Julie Lessman reviews next week!  Just got two of my Erynn Mangum books back from my sister so I should be able to review them the week after.  Or that’s the plan ;).

Everything is coming together for Christmas.  Almost everything is bought.  Nothing is wrapped.  UPS will be busy here on Tuesday!  Can’t wait!

And now… Here’s Flash Fiction Friday.  Jan and Andrea posted theirs too :).

He leaned forward in his chair, raised a crooked finger to Debbie’s face and said, “Your husband killed my son.  Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you and his son.”

Debbie just looked him in the eye.  She couldn’t have spoken anyway – not with the gag in her mouth, but she didn’t know what answer she would give him anyway.  She was ready to go, in a sense.  She knew her relationship with God was solid.  Nicky was young enough that he hadn’t reached that magical age of accountability.  But Nick… What would it do to Nick if Tricky Tio killed the two of them?  Would he turn away from the beliefs he was starting to embrace?  Would he understand that, for whatever reason, it was their time to go?  Or would he run away, forever, never giving God another chance?  Blaming him for the loss of his wife?  Of his two children?

That’s what Debbie was afraid of.  More than she was afraid of dying, she was afraid of what it would do to Nick, to his soul.  She closed her eyes and prayed.  She prayed for strength.  She prayed Nicky would sleep through the whole thing like he had last time.  She prayed that Nick would find them.  She prayed for Nick’s soul.  She prayed that, somehow, through all of this, he would find his faith.

“I won’t kill him, you know.  Not for a while.  Not until he’s had a chance to mourn you both.  To know what it’s like to live without you, like I’ve had to live without my son.”

Debbie wished she could point out that it was his own fault.  Sure, Nick had pulled the trigger, but Tio was the one who had ordered she and Nicky be kidnapped.  If he hadn’t, Nick would have had no reason to shoot his son.  He only did what he had to do to protect her and Nicky from Tio’s men.  That kind of thing wouldn’t mean anything to a mobster, though.  It was Nick’s fault.  That’s all there was to it.

“So, the question then is… Do I kill you fast?  Or do I kill you slow?  Do I kill you first?  Or your son?  Do I make you watch your son die a slow death?  Then kill you?  Or let you both bleed out at the same time?”  He was pure evil.   “I don’t think fast is the answer.  I think I’ll go with slow.  Let the kid die a bit, then start on you.”

He moved towards Nicky, knife in hand.

What I’ve Read Wednesday, Julie Lessman Edition, Vol. 2

Current Facebook Status: has now found a better table with a power outlet. Note to self: bring needle nose pliers next time to pull out broken prong. Still love me some Panera though!
Currently Playing in the Background: Pandora while sitting at Panera having just finished more edits
[If you’re looking for the teen resources, scroll down :)]


Do I really need to say more than that?  Julie is poster of the day over on Seekerville.  And it’s A Passion Redeemed day here on my blog.  For all like, seven of you who might read this ;).  Ah, one day someone will come back and read it!  Right?

I do A. Dore. Julie.  Honestly, I do.  Matt’s idea of getting her autograph tattooed on my tush was a bit much though ;).  I don’t adore her quite that much!  I don’t adore anyone that much!

So…  A Passion Redeemed…  You may want to grab rain gear, because there’s gushingness ahead…

From the back cover:

No man can resist her charms. Or so she thought. Charity O’Connor is a woman who gets what she wants. Her stunning beauty and flirtatious ways have always succeeded with men. Until Mitch Dennehy, that is. Brilliant and dangerously handsome, Mitch is a no-nonsense newspaperman who wants nothing to do with her. Charity burned him once, destroying his engagement to the only woman he ever truly loved. He won’t play with matches again. But Charity has a plan to turn up the heat, hoping to ignite the heart of the man she loves. And she always gets what she wants–one way or another.

Or does she? Will her best-laid schemes win his love? Or will her seductive ways drive him away forever?

Book 2 in the Daughters of Boston series, A Passion Redeemed will captivate your heart and stir your soul with a story of faith and redemption rising from the ashes of temptation, desire, and shame.

First… Faith and Collin… STILL NOT MARRIED!  After everything she put us [and THEM!] through, Patrick made them wait a YEAR to get married.  Girl, I’m surprised Collin didn’t come after you!  Or Faith!  [In book time, it’s pretty quick, but in their real time, not so much.]

But this is Charity and Mitch’s story.  Yes, Mitch, Faith ex-fiance.  Yes, Charity, who tried to break them up.

This time, Mitch is the one with the faith, not Faith.  But the faith that Faith helped him find.  Oy, that’s a lot of faiths.

Anyway, Mitch is the one with the Faith.  Charity is still scheming and conniving.  Shocking.  Eventually, she comes around and begins to truly believe.  But is it too little, too late?  Can she and Mitch actually make it work?  And what about Kathleen?  Mitch’s ex-girlfriend?  Will she throw a wrench in the works?  Or Rigan, who Charity is using for her own ends?  Or is she the one being used?

Once again, it’s so hard to find words to convey what I love, love, love about this book – and Julie’s books and characters in general – without spoilers!!!!   Trust me on this one, just read it ;).

That said…

I often have conversations in my head [or at least thoughts in my head – hey!  Julie!  No remarks!  I heard you thinking it!] of what I’d like to say to the author if I had the chance.  Questions I’d like to ask.  I was very fortunate that Julie took time out of her insane schedule to respond to the emails I was compelled to write.  Like when they were on the ship.  And I stopped reading [I was actually curled in my chair reading for an extended period of time rather than stealing a chapter here and there].  I pulled my laptop over and fired off an email detailing what I thought she might do.  Rather than reading on – I had to send the email – full of CAPS and !!! and !?!?!?! and glaring and whining and wide-eyed exhuberation [can you tell?].

Of course, I was wrong.  Well, sort of.  And I should probably admit that Julie’s version was better.  But I won’t.  Not publicly anyway.  Er, wait…

My point, of course, is that Julie is awesome.  Now as a bit of fair warning, her books could be considered PG-13 for passion for God and within couples, so definitely not something you want to just hand to your preteen [or your teen without conversation to go along with it].  So if you, or the one you’re buying for, is more of a G-rated person, you might want to think again, but she doesn’t cross any lines or ‘show’ what shouldn’t be ‘shown’.

That said, I have two full sets for Christmas presents ;).

9.5 out of 10 stars [but only because her solution to the ship thing was better than mine ;)]

Musings, 12/7/10

Current Facebook Status: is done with lectures for the semester! Last paper gets turned in tomorrow though so lots of grading still left to do, but it’ll be done by Friday morning so ALMOST DONE! Two more days of up at 530 [and one up at 5 for the final :p]. So close!

Currently Playing In the Background: Not sure, Leno maybe?

Well, I’m just killing time until the new Seekerville post goes up – because it’s Julie Lessman day and it’s coming any minute now.  And then I can be first :).

Weekend ended up being CRAZY between a sick hubby [have never seen him that sick ever], sick kids, shopping, Christmas shopping, hanging out with Penny and Kristen Feola’s book signing, among other things.  Now we’re in the last week of school and all that goes along with that.

So Erryn Mangum Day didn’t happen :(.  Julie Lessman day 2 is tomorrow, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.

[Hang on – Seeker post is up]

Okay, read Julie’s post and commented on it.

So notes for around here…

  • I’ve been asked to do a guest blog next month about Valentine’s Day.  Will definitely post a link when it’s time!
  • Hard copy of Unbreak Her Heart has been edited again and I’ll be working on the edits on the computer tomorrow.  Off to the editor by Friday /fingers crossed/
  • Something else I can’t remember because I’m exhausted

Tomorrow: Julie Lessman’s A Passion Redeemed

Flash Fiction Friday! 12/03/10

Current Facebook Status: is hoping to get the tree up tonight.  We’ll see if it happens…
Currently Playing In the Background: Big Bang Theory, Season One

Yay!  Fresh meat! Er, we have a new friend joining us!  Andrea over at Andrea’s Take joined me and Jan for FFF! [I think Jan’s is amusing.  Jan is blaming me for making her post it.]

Without further ado:

“Geez, could you warm those hands up a bit first?” Nick covered Debbie’s arms with her own.  Her head rested on his back as she held him.

“I thought you were going to keep me warm.  I’m not used to this whole real winter thing.”  He smiled as she held him a little tighter.

“I will.  But your hands and feet should get warmed on their own.  Cold feet in bed are not a good thing.”

“Do you think they’re going to come after us?” she asked quietly.

He turned easily in her arms and folded his around her.  “I don’t know, babe.  I hope not.  I hope they didn’t figure out that was me, but if they did, we’ll handle it.  We’ll run again if we have to.  If they catch up to us before we can, then we’ll fight them off if we have to.  And we’ll pray.”

“You’ll pray?”  Her tone was incredulous as she turned her cheek to his chest.

“Maybe.  But I know you will.  And I know Vince and Lena are even if they don’t know what’s going on.  And you’re always telling me that the prayer of the righteous man avails much.  I’m guessing it applies to women, too, so between the three of you, I think we’re covered.”

He could hear the smile in her voice.  “I think it would be good for you to pray yourself, too.  If the three of us are good, four of us are better.”

Nick took a deep breath in and blew it out slowly.  “Don’t push me, Debs.  Please.”


Writing Resources for Teens

Updated 12/9/10

Yesterday I was talking with a friend who has a teen friend who wants to be a writer.  My first instinct was to tell her to write, write, write!  And to learn proper grammar and punctuation because that’s important.  I submitted the question about resources for teens to the ACFW main loop and these are the answers I received.  Many, many thanks to those who helped with this.  I will update this as I find more resources.

  • Christian Writer’s Guild [Jerry B. Jenkins] has a teen program – Squire; Contact info: Leilani Squires
  • One person thinks Brandilyn Collins has stuff for teens – That’s a link to her blog, *I* didn’t see anything with a quick glance but maybe someone else knows
  • Written World Communications has a magazine for/by kids 9-19 – StarSong guidelines
  • Chicken Soup for the Soul is looking for teen contributors [through 12/31/10]
  • Stephanie Morrill’s Go Teen Writers – “In 2011, we’re starting a program called “Write Now” and I’m going to spend the year detailing the process of writing a novel. I encourage readers of the blog to e-mail me writing questions and we have a lot of fun on there.”
  • Mr. Raney [which is also the name of my high school music teacher – but so not the same guy – amuses me anyway ;)] runs Clash Entertainment – “an entertainment website for Christian teens and besides reviews of YA and books, movies, games, etc. of interest to teens, he also looks for contributions from teens, from photography, to reviews, to banner design, etc. The site doesn’t have craft of writing information, per se, but it’s a great place to learn about the publishing and Christian media world, and about current books that are releasing in the CBA.”  Mr. Raney is the husband of best selling author Deborah Raney.
  • Check out Caleb BreakeyMentorship Program [didn’t have time to look around the page too much but looks like there’s a lot of good stuff there]
  • Clubhouse Magazine and Clubhouse Jr.Submission Guidelines
  • Jill Williamson’s Teenage Author – she will answer questions submitted through the site
  • Novel Teen – direct link to Chris Solaas’ articles that ask tough questions and give tough answers about the motivations for writing.  Not for the faint of heart!
  • Melanie Dickerson’s blog
  • Randy Ingermanson’s Advanced Fiction Writing
  • Seekerville’s blog – this is personally one of my favorite places on the web – both for writing tips, awesome authors and a fabulous commenting community – plus they have a bunch of NCIS fans.  And food.  Lots of food.  And an island.  Check ’em out whether you’re a writer or not.
  • Linda Burklin has a creative writing curriculum that will be coming out early next year through the Institute for Excellence in Writing. It is aimed at 10-14 year olds, and focuses on writing stories.
  • Donita K. Paul hosts a chat every Monday night for young writers. She is currently working through Jeff Gerke’s book The Art and Craft of Writing ChristianFiction with the teens.
  • Christian online writing groups for teens, such as:
    • Diana Sharples’ Yahoo group – critique group through Yahoo for writers of Christian young adult fiction. Our members include writers at all skill levels, from novice to published, and we have some very talented teen writers in our midst. This group is for serious writers who are able to do at least one critique per week, and prospective members should be prepared to send in a sample of their work and do a sample critique. (I make an exception for ACFW members… no need to go through the approval process.)
  • Chicken Soup for the Soul is looking for teen contributors [through 12/31/10]
  • Jill Williamson’s Teenage Author – she will also answer questions people ask through the site
  • Novel Teen – direct link to Chris Solaas’ articles that ask tough questions and give tough answers about the motivations for writing.  Not for the faint of heart!

Books [recommended by Melanie Dickerson who recently compiled the list for middle schoolers]:

  • Writing Christian Fiction by Jeff Gerke
  • Fiction Writing for Dummies by Randy Ingermanson
  • Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Browne and King
  • The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman
  • A Novel Idea by various authors, published by Tyndale
  • Plot and Structure, Revision and Self-Editing, and The Art of War for Writers, three books by James Scott Bell
  • The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Writing Christian Fiction by Ron Benrey
  • Goal, Motivation and Conflict by Debra Dixon

[I have a number of these books – not that I’ve read all of them yet – but have heard many good things about them.]

What I’ve Read Wednesday, Julie Lessman Day 1

Current Facebook status: is changing her status to reflect her desire to win a prize. I ♥ Julie Lessman. I’m going to post a review of her first book A Passion Most Pure momentarily. Cuz she’s giving away prizes if you post reviews and I ♥ her ;).
Currently Playing in the Background: Storm Chasers, multiple vortices vorticies vortexes – don’t worry Discovery, you don’t need that warning – I won’t be attempting any time soon.
Current NaNoWriMo status: WINNER!  Finished with 50289! Story isn’t done but is still winner!

[Notes: This is Julie Lessman review month!  I have her first 4 books in hand – about half done reading #4.  I’m planning a random notes post tomorrow on a number of things.  Erynn Mangum’s second series will be reviewed Saturday.  But in the meantime, heeeeere’s Julie!]

Book Description:
Refusing to settle for anything less than a romantic relationship that pleases God, Faith O’Connor steels her heart against her desire for the roguish Collin McGuire. But when Collin tries to win her sister Charity’s hand, Faith isn’t sure she can handle the jealousy she feels. To further complicate matters, Faith finds herself the object of Collin’s affections, even as he is courting her sister. The Great War is raging overseas, and a smaller war is brewing in the O’Connor household. Full of passion, romance, rivalry, and betrayal, A Passion Most Pure will captivate readers from the first page

First, just let me say that I ADORE Julie Lessman!  In fact, I want to be Julie when I grow up.  She writes incredible books and is wonderful to boot.  I’ve gotten to know her a little bit over the last couple of months and I just flat out <3 her.  The reality is if I can write half as well, I’ll consider myself enormously blessed.

So the first book she wrote is A Passion Most Pure.  She started it as a kid and came back to it a few years ago.  You can read more of her story on her website.  Julie is also a part of the wonderful Seekerville blog.

So what did I like about A Passion Most Pure?  A better question would be what didn’t I like?  There’s nothing I can specifically put my finger on that I didn’t like.  There were times that I wanted to go knock on Julie’s door and shake the book at her and demand she explain why on God’s green Earth did Collin do this or Faith do that?  And Charity?!  What about her?!  And Mitch?! And I did do that – virtually.  Emailed her my thoughts as I went ;).  Not all of them.  But enough.  When she fixed one particular situation, I literally jumped up and down [well, not literally, but I did squee]!  And emailed her to tell her what I thought.

But Julie pulled through!  She did not disappoint.  She answered enough of the questions while hinting at answers to more in books to come.  Her fourth is out, fifth is coming out in the spring [I think] and the sixth, as of this week, is officially being written.  Each child in the O’Connor family gets his or her own book and this one is Faith’s.

Faith O’Connor grew up in Boston with her Irish-American Catholic family.  She’s not the oldest child, but is the oldest daughter.  Her next youngest sister, Charity, is seeing rogue hottie Collin McGuire.  Collin has a bit of a reputation with the women – a reputation that is well-earned.  But when Faith and Collin realize they have an attraction for each other, it throws a wrench in Charity and Collin’s romance.  Collin and Faith are meant to be together.  It’s obvious, right?  But there’s a problem.  Or two.  Or more.  Dad didn’t approve of Collin for Charity, why would he for Faith?  And then there’s WWI [though they didn’t call it that, of course].

But even the ‘Great War’ isn’t the biggest problem.

The biggest problem?  Faith’s, well… faith.  A fervent Catholic [not just going through the motions], her faith is the biggest thing in her life.  She has a passion for God that surpasses all else and she won’t settle for a life with a man who has any less.  Collin?  Not so much.  But the two of them together?  Sparks fly – and not just the fighting kind.

Julie’s tagline is “Passion with Purpose”.  She writes passionately.  She writes about passion – both for God and between a man and woman.  While there is that ‘passion’ outside of marriage in the life of some of the characters [Collin in particular in this book], the emphasis is still on purity before God.  That passion is fine, good, even God-ordained, in the right time and place – within the context of marriage.  It’s refreshing to see the temptations a couple in love – or even just in lust – struggle with the kinds of things that so many do in real life.  I know there are many who feel that doesn’t have a place in a Christian book and I know that was something Julie struggled with in finding a publisher – too Christian for ABA, to secular for CBA – but she found a publisher willing to take the risk and I, for one, am so very, very glad she did.

Besides, she thinks I’m a hoot ;).

9.5 out of 10 stars [because I know there was SOMETHING that bugged me a bit, but I loaned out my copy and can’t name it off my head and besides, now she has somewhere to go with the next one =D].

Flash Fiction Friday! 11/26/10

Current Facebook Status: is half watching her hubby and sis play the new Donkey Kong for Wii. Woo. Hoo. 😉
Currently Playing in the Background: Um, Donkey Kong.  Woo.  Hoo. 😉
NaNoWriMo Status: 27377 including the following FFF, should be at 43334 which is 15957 behind – so CATCHING UP! 😉

Happy Day After Turkey Day!  Black Friday shopping was successful – started at Toys R Us last night where Matt and Sis spent the girls’ gift cards on new scooters – they’ve been wanting them.  Sis got a TV.  Today, I went to Sam’s Club [go there.  Seriously.  No one else thinks to so their deals last.] and got a new digital camera [way nice!] and portable DVD player for the car.  Nice :).

So – here it is.  Flash Fiction Friday!  It doesn’t QUITE fit with where I am at the moment in the story, but is coming right up so it works :).  ‘He’ here is Nick :).

It was a horrible scene and yet his eyes were drawn to it like a magnet. He pushed the door open as quickly as he could, running before his feet even hit the ground.  His breathing quickened with his pace and before he could consciously make a decision the choice was made.

He crouched down behind the Secure truck, opposite the gunmen who were attempting to lighten it’s load.

Another shot rang out.

Then another.

He grimaced as he pulled his concealed handgun out of it’s holster on his ankle.  He moved around the vehicle before glancing quickly to see what was happening on the other side.

One of the gunmen was holding his weapon on the two guards.  The other was emptying the back of the truck.  The first was too busy watching his partner to keep an eye on Nick – even though he didn’t know Nick was there.

He took a deep breath and yelled.  “Drop your weapon!”

Instantly he drew the fire of the man.

He stayed hidden behind the truck and the bullets bounced harmlessly away.  He heard one of the men yelling that it was time to leave.  He heard the other swearing as he couldn’t get clip to load properly.  Nick stepped out from behind the vehicle.

“Drop it,” he warned again.

The man in front of him continued to fumble with his weapon as Nick walked towards him.

“I strongly recommend you drop your weapon,” he warned one more time.

The clip slipped into place with a click.  The would-be thief started to raise the weapon but by then it was too late.

What I’ve Read Wednesday: Mangum Edition, Part 3

Setting this one up early too so no updated statuses etc :).

From the Back Cover:
Lauren Holbrook, matchmaker extraordinaire, takes credit for four successful couples now. With her dad happily married and life settling down around her, Lauren feels quite content. That is, until the tables are turned and she’s on the receiving end of the matchmaking!

Lauren and her boyfriend, Ryan, devise a plan to make it look as if they’ve broken up so people will get off their backs about marriage. No problem, right? That’s of course until Lauren realizes she’s in love.

What I Liked:

  • Lauren is still Lauren, but now her friends have turned on her and Ryan and are playing matchmaker.  Lauren and Ryan are still sort of play dating – not that either of them is dating anyone else…
  • Love her family and friends, including her new stepmom who is wonderful.
  • Love that Lauren’s plotting and scheming backfires so that she gets what she wants all along – she just didn’t realize it was right there under her nose.

What I Didn’t Like:

  • This is a niggle specific to me, I’d bet.  Or pretty close.  I never got the ‘foot popping’ sense from Lauren about Ryan – even after the proposal.  They’d been dating or sort of dating for years by that point and never even a little tingle?  No real hand holding, no kisses, no anything.  That struck me as a bit odd but didn’t ruin my overall enjoyment of the series.


More fun, rom com, chick lit stuff J.  Love it.  8 out of 10 stars.

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