Category Archives: Writing

2016: Day 147 or Coping with my (temporary?) New Normal

2016 Day 147

So I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I’d had PRK surgery* in late April. Recovery had already been slower than I’d been led to believe and, well, it still is.

Unfortunately, it’s probably about as good as it’s going to get.

For now.

Normal set up (though font much bigger than usual)

Normal set up (though font much bigger than usual)

See, prior to surgery, my vision was somewhere in the 20/3000 range. As in super stinky. The laser had to do fairly extensive reconstruction (at least based on the size and thickness of a cornea ;)). Which means more recovery time.

But…even after a month of steroid drops (including two weeks of every two hours while awake), I’ve pretty much stopped getting better. The doc wanted to put me on name brand drops, but because it had only been just over a week since my last refill, insurance wouldn’t cover it. And it’s super duper expensive. So I had to go with the generic refill again until next week. Hopefully, he can write the script in such a way that I can get more than one of the tiny bottles, because that will still only last about 10-12 days tops.

We hope that it will help, but honestly, I’m not holding out a whole lot of hope. Most likely, I’ll need a touch up surgery. They won’t do that until at least 90 days afterward. There’s a date in late July that would work – but it’s EXACTLY three months so there’s a chance the doc will want to wait. The first date in August would work, EXCEPT I’m driving – by myself – to Nashville for the ACFW conference less than two weeks later, and I’d rather not cut it so close. After that, there’s a slim possibility we could get it to work in September, otherwise, it’ll be December. Sigh.

Have I mentioned how fantastic my husband and kids have been?! I don’t know what I’d do without them.

In the meantime…

New set up (though replaced the chair with the office chair)

New set up (though replaced the chair with the office chair)

I can see well enough to read a book or drive. But details any further out than a couple feet? Notsomuch. I don’t recognize people more than 5-6 feet away, unless I know them well and/or expect them to be somewhere. If I need to figure out which similar something I need to get at the store, I have to be embarrassingly close – and squint.

And I can’t see my computer screen with my normal set up. Even super huge font doesn’t work terribly well. So, i’m having to adjust to my new normal.

To that end, there is now a card table set up in my living room – right in front of the fireplace (thank goodness it’s summer!) with the 42″ television sitting on it and the laptop underneath and plugged in.


But even then, the letters are somewhat blurry. :/

Close(r) up of the new set up

Close(r) up of the new set up

But the cover I just finished for the Montevaro Monarchy compilation looks super cool on a huge monitor. I’m now officially excited for the day when I can have a dedicated office and multiple huge monitors! 😀

So…I can work on my super special, super secret novella project that should be out by the end of next month – AND I can work on Jonathan’s story, which should be out near the end of July.

Which means it time to get back to work :).

*Different procedure than LASIK, similar end result

2016: Day 135 or My Unintentional Hiatus

#3's art is down to her right

#3’s art is down to her right

So I’ve been mostly offline for the last couple weeks. I’m sure most of you didn’t really notice, but I was ;). (That doesn’t explain my lack of blog updating but my lack of presence on social media anyway… ;))

I had this…vision of writing a particular blog post after all of this and, well, this isn’t it :p.

On Thursday, April 28, I fulfilled a dream I’d had for far longer than seeing myself as a published author.

I got my eyes fixed.

#1 and #2 had a band concert...grades 6-8 - it was crowded. And hot.

#1 and #2 had a band concert…grades 6-8 – it was crowded. And hot.

Or so they tell me ;).

I’m sure I’ll be very happy with the results, but it’s taking far longer than I thought to get there. I was led to believe it would be 4-5 days, but…here I am two weeks later :D.

It’s so significantly better than it was, and it’s not surprising it’s taking on the longer end, because I was pretty blind. I just didn’t plan to take 2+ weeks off :/.

That’s not to say it’s been all bad. Not at all. Some of the good stuff…

*A writer friend (she writes Medieval romance for the general market) works with me and doesn’t live too far. She drove me to work three times and took me to my eye appointment – we went to lunch at the NY Pizza place owned by the parents of a friend of my daughter’s. Our end of day schedule was quite different so…

We dropped Steve off for a few minutes and Ginger drove us around

We dropped Steve off for a few minutes and Ginger drove us around

*I spent a lovely 25-30 minute drive with my step-father-in-law. He drove me home from work the Tuesday after the procedure. We went a back way he’d never driven before and got stuck behind a tractor. He didn’t mind because he could rubberneck some.

*Thursday, a week after procedure, a couple other friends of mine picked me up from work. In his brand new Ford Mustang convertible. With not just seat warmers but seat COOLERS! Ginger, very kindly, let me ride up front so my eyes wouldn’t get even more dried out. Steve gunned it a couple times and yep – pressed back against the seat J. If you follow my Facebook page, you see pics of me writing in their rec room from time to time. They also took me to get my laptop from a friend who was fixing it. Love them!

One Fine Night Jazz solo for #1 - I love listening to her play! MIL drove us to that too

One Fine Night Jazz solo for #1 – I love listening to her play! MIL drove us to that too

*This Tuesday, my work friend and I had finals at the same time so she took me home and we went to the local BBQ place for lunch.

*My fantastic mother-in-law drove us around quite a bit. The kids had several concerts and other school things. She’s not used to something as big as my mini-van, but she did fine ;).

*By the next Friday, I was able to drive short distances without feeling like my eyes would get too tired. #1 kiddo and I went to the swim team meeting. Can’t wait for our pool time to start! They’re supposed to fill the pool this week which also means… cover photo shoot coming up!

So I’m still seeing blurry and double, but that should be clearing up soon I hope!

#1 graduated from middle school two weeks after surgery

#1 graduated from middle school two weeks after surgery

What’s happening on the writing front while I can only half see? I’m trying to finish edits on the second Lifeguard book. It will release late next month. Look for more details in a newsletter coming soon! As soon as that’s done, I’m working on a Fourth of July project I’m super excited about! There will be more coming from that group, too! YAY!

After that… well, then it’s time to buckle down and finish Jonathan’s story! You’ll see him and a little bit about what he’s been up to in the Lifeguard book, but his story is due to release in late July – another newsletter will go out when it’s up for preorder!

Pretty sure it's gonna need more water...

Pretty sure it’s gonna need more water…

So that’s where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. I’d appreciate prayers for continued healing. A newer friend mentioned on Facebook the other day that she was a year out and it’s fantastic. She was worse than I was but it took her a couple months. So there’s a light at the end of this particular proverbial tunnel – and not just the super bright one the eye doc uses… 😉

2016: Day 38 or Yeah, I’ve Been Keeping Up Really Well

WTQH ProofYeah so I haven’t kept up with this “almost daily” or “pretty often” blogging thing. (In fact, I have a blog for InspyRomance this week that I haven’t written yet :p.)

So what’s been going on?

Well…I formatted the insides of both Winning the Queen’s Heart and Protecting the Prince and did the full cover flats for them. I got my proof copies and the paperbacks are now available on Amazon! YAY! I also ordered a TON of books for my own stash downstairs. They’ll be here in a couple weeks.

PtP ProofPrince from her Past is ALMOST done! I’m reading it right now, mostly for continuity, but I’ll also look at word choices etc if something seems a bit off. Then I’ll have my Kindle read it to me and then send it off to my proofreader (who is FABULOUS!) – and it’ll be out to the world on March 1! Yay! It’s still on a special preorder price (2.99!) until then! Protecting the Prince will also be available to purchase on Amazon in the morning if you don’t have it yet – just .99 :).

I’ve been to two high school meetings in the last couple weeks. Yep. My oldest will be IN HIGH SCHOOL in May! (Well, August, but she’s taking PE over the summer.) It doesn’t seem possible!



I went to WICKED last weekend! That was incredible! YAY! Though I didn’t love being in the front row of the third balcony…because it was FAR down! 😉

Uh…I’ve also written about 10K words on Jonathan’s story, but it’s going to go on the back burner for now :/. I’ve been asked to be in a boxed set this summer and need to write a Lifeguard book ASAP! It’s going to be a great collection with a bunch of great authors. More details will be available in late March or early April. As soon as that’s done, I’ll be back to working on Jonathan and Kenzie’s story! Meantime, I’m excited to see what happens to Lifeguard Adam and…uh, well, I don’t know his heroine’s name yet ;).

All right. That’s it for today. I promise to try to do better! Promise :D.

2016, Day 8: or Yep. Crummy Day.

The first sentence

The first sentence

I knew it would be. It was. It could have been far worse (can’t it almost always be far worse?) but it was bad enough. So this will be very brief.

Things I’m thankful for: family

Writingly stuff accomplished:

*Ordered new toner for my printer
*Sort of organized the table in the living room where lots of my stuff is stashed
*Printed the super duper long manual for using these map making etc programs I have (more on that another time – which also led to that first thing ;))
*Six sentences in my notebook while waiting for peeps
*Brainstorming with first reader Emily (who, in turn, brainstormed with her sister)
*Texted friend Ginger L. to see if I can use their rec room to write for a while on Sunday (Yes!)
*Made a new page for my website after a street team member asked for the chronological order of books – it can be found under the books link on top or here 🙂

As for tomorrow…it’s supposed to be filled with family stuff, but that requires a medium-short road trip (about 45-60 min each way) so I may get a little bit accomplished…

Quote of the Day:

“Is it bedtime yet?” – Me 😉

2016, Day 7: or Done Reading PFHP!

Mr. Benny

Mr. Benny

ETA! AH!!!!! I completely forgot comments go to moderation the first time you comment! I just found a bunch and am headed back to them! AH!!!!!! (Yes, it’s been that long since I’ve had comments on my blog :p. I’ll pay better attention from now on! Promise!)

YAY! I finished the first full re-read of Prince from her Past and my other first reader (Ginger V.) was right – it’s not as bad as I thought ;). It does have some issues with story threads dropping or starting out of nowhere, but the overall story arc is pretty okay.

(Yes, I have two first readers. Emily N. gets everything as I write it. She then texts me her thoughts (usually – sometimes email). Ginger V. (one of three Gingers involved in my writing process ;)) generally gets the first draft as soon as it’s done and gives overall feedback having not seen any of it beforehand. The other two Gingers? Ginger L. and her hubs are good friends of ours and they let me write in their rec room pretty regularly. Ginger S. is my fantastic proofreader! I might, um, accidentally text the wrong one occasionally…)

Mr. Benny is my 5lb Shorkie. He’s also the template for the dog Jonathan finds on the opening pages of his story. This is him last night. Until he got sick last fall, he had no trouble eating from his bowl. Since he got sick, notsomuch :p. In fact, the top picture is his “Mom, the bowl is too scary – put the food on the floor” look. So I do. Then he got super brave and drank out of his water bowl without huddling next to me as I sit on the floor. A bit much? Probably. But this poor doggy was abused before he came to us (it took a year for him to be comfortable around my husband – even if no one else was around) and it’s not that hard to sit there. I read while I do it usually. We even bought new bowls! Because SNOOPY! 😀 Sometimes, he’ll eat or drink in their regular space. Maybe we’ll get back to it regularly soon…

So today…It’s been a tough week around here. I’m sure I’ll mention some of it sooner or later, but not all of it. Today was tough. Tomorrow will be tougher. Everyone’s fine, just life stuff. If we cross your mind, though, prayers would be appreciated. God knows.

Quote of the Day:

“You don’t have to shovel sunshine.” – my dad, circa 1980-2000 when we lived in Phoenix (but you don’t have to turn on the air conditioner to build a fire in your fireplace on Christmas Day)(This showed up in my memories feed on Facebook today because we’ve had snow on this date for several years.)

Today, I’m thankful for: my husband. He’s a rock star on so many levels. For real. And he takes such good care of me. I <3 him.

Today’s progress:

No writing done (though I may try to get a few words in before I actually go to bed)

Reading done:

Pages 70-161 of Prince from her Past and notes made (I print small with small margins and not double spaced – it’s probably 300-320 pages in reality at the moment).

Tomorrow’s goals:
*There’s gonna be a lot of life stuff tomorrow
*Maybe putting some of those edits into the computer
*Maybe a thousand or two words
*14yo’s first pep band experience so all of us at a high school basketball game or two

2016, Day 6: or Oil Changes & Chick-fil-A

Jonathan from Chick-fil-A

Jonathan from Chick-fil-A

Busy day today :). But a good one! Started with sitting around then heading to get an oil change. Realized in the McD’s drive through (hello, Dr. Pepper!) that I left my wallet at home, but had enough cash for breakfast and Brent and Kacie love me enough to change my oil anyway :D. The shop, Yocum Automotive, has been in several books because they rock ;). The best around! I ended up taking a kiddo to the doc, so we hit Chick-fil-A for lunch and saw my buddy Jonathan. I’ll often see 4 or 5 people I know (the owners are good friends as are some of the employees), but today it was just Jonathan and the manager guy I’ve met once but knows my hubs. I thought Jonathan was making a more fun face, but this is what I got ;).

In between all of it, I got a fair bit written. And dealt with a leaky washer (hoping it’s just the rubber seal/gasket on the front of the front loader) and a bunch of other stuff :p.

On the upside though, I’m loving Jonathan’s (the fictional Jonathan, not my CFA buddy Jonathan) story so far!

Quote of the Day:

“I hate math. I’ll never need math!” – 14yo Moncado child

Today I’m thankful for an honest auto shop. Brent (owner) & Kacie (office manager) are the bomb diggity. 😉

Writing Report:

Tuesday: 1068
Total: 3276 (3.85%)
To Go: 81724 (96.15%)

Today: 2533
Total: 5809 (6.83%)
To Go: 79191 (93.17%)

Tomorrow’s plan:

*I’m gonna read some of PRINCE FROM HER PAST tonight
*Read more PFHP tomorrow
*Write 3500 words (one of these days I’ll make it ;))
*Hang out at home and do nothing else, except maybe attempt spaghetti in the pressure cooker 😀

2016, Day 5: or Long Day

12yo sleeping after the first day back
12yo sleeping after the first day back

I got the 8yo to the dentist, but after a night of little sleep, I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked. I did get a nap though. And my first reader, Emily N., (she gets a new file every night I write something new ;)), loves Jonathan’s story so far. That make me happy :D. Plus I think I’m going to bed early.

Tonight has been full of “real life” stuff so not much else accomplished. I did get some words in but I’m on my phone right now and don’t want to go check how much it was ;). I think about 500 words.

Maybe a bit more.

I don’t really remember.

So today’s other stuff:

Quote of the Day:


“We’re on Gallifrey. Death is Time Lord for man flu.” – The Doctor, Hell Bent, Doctor Who Series 9

Thankful: friends who let me vent and don’t judge (you know who you are ;))

Writing report:
Um…I read some pages and wrote some words. More detailed stats tomorrow ;).

Tomorrow: Oil change for the van, writing 3500 words, editing 60 pages, kids to Awana

2016, Day 4: or An Update

Goofy 8yo after his haircut

Goofy 8yo after his haircut

All righty. Day 2 of this accountability through blog posting thing…

Kids were home today, which means not as much done as I’d have hoped during the day, but a productive day nonetheless! Plus Jonathan met his heroine and she’s totally adorable!

Something I’m thankful for: My family. I know I said friends yesterday, and many would argue family comes first – and they do, but I’m talking about specifically today. My 14yo came and sat with me for a while and we just talked. My kids got along well (almost) all day. My husband is a rock star.

Writing Update for Jonathan’s Story:

Today: 1485
Total: 2208 (2.6%, I know the numbers don’t match up from yesterday, though I’m likely the only one, but there was an error somewhere yesterday…)
To Go: 82792 (97.4%)

Other Stuff Done:
Formatted Gifts of Love for paperback, though it won’t release until next fall. I need it for gifts for some very special people. Also finished the Gifts of Love paperback cover. We’ll see what the CreateSpace file gurus say about them when they look them over. Hopefully, they won’t need edited again, but we’ll see… I’m also planning to go read PFHP for a bit before bed.


*Take 8yo to dentist and hopefully to school
*Write 3500 words
*Saxophone lessons for 14yo
*Read 50 pages of PFHP
*Deal with any GoL issues needed, hopefully quickly

2016 Day 3: or Let’s Try Something New

My sweet doggy when he was found 18mos ago; My sweet doggy a couple weeks ago - in his Lion King pose on the towels

My sweet doggy when he was found 18mos ago (and what the dog Jonathan finds looks like ;)); My sweet doggy a couple weeks ago – in his Lion King pose on the towels

So here’s my new plan. Yep. I have one. That’s about all I got but here we go ;).

Not every day but a lot of days, I think I’m going to blog or post on Facebook or something – I’m not sure what’s going to be best. Just a quick check-in on what I’ve accomplished, especially writing wise, that day. Accountability. Not to try to get lots of new blog followers, or even lots of comments here on on Facebook where it’s shared, but just to keep myself on track.

Because I have a super ambitious 2016 planned and if I don’t get stay accountable and motivated, it won’t happen :p. That 2016 includes:

Prince from her Past, releasing February
* A new, but related series, set in Serenity Landing – Jonathan William Langley-Cranston IV is the hero of the first book
* The Grace series (not sure of it’s official title yet) and my favorite hero ever (book 1 is already written but needs some polishing)
* The beginnings of a new royalty series – not sure where it’ll be set just yet though – probably Western Hemisphere…

Anyway – in that daily-ish post will be…

* A picture
* A writing update (or editing, etc.)
* Something I’m thankful for

So today…

I’m thankful for friends who stick by me. (Many more things of course, but I’ll go with that one today ;).)

Writing Update for Jonathan’s Story:
Today: 610
Total: 1023 (1.2%)
To Go: 83977 (98.8%)

Plus I printed off Prince from her Past so I can start the read through tomorrow.

That’s all for now! Ciao!

#NaNoWriMo 2015 or Two books. Too Many?

Hey out there in reader land! I’m supposed to be working on Prince from her Past but words aren’t flowing easily tonight. :p

did write 1725 on a NEW book this morning, one I’ll likely send to my agent to pitch for traditional publication. I then spent hours staring at the file for PFHP. Sigh. Not sure if I’ll be able to keep up with both, but I don’t think it had much to do with my lack progress on PFHP…


New WIP: 1725
Total: 1725

Prince from her Past: 401 (so far, still trying…)
Total: 28492

1 4 5 6 7 8 24